Saturday, December 31

2011 farewell


On the past two months I haven't posted a lot.  I have landed in a sort on time-shortage crisis which affected my creativity. There were a lot of working weekends, plus another bunch of worries.

That made me land into a kind of existential late mid-life crisis and question a lot of definitions. Among them, the definition of happiness and the imprisionment of the to-do lists (you may laugh now, sure!).

I have always been a focused person, with up-to-date to-do lists for short, mid and long term. A real follower of R.Covey and brain washed on big American companies. A time manager. I was in heaven when I came to live in Frogland, the country of the schedules, where you make appointments with close friends with (?!) months in advance!

And now I ask myself where is the spontaneity of life?

And this is why I didn't write a lot: I didn't plan to write. I refused to follow the advice of the so-called "gurus" of social media who dictate that once you decide to blog, you need to post "at least x times a week". I went with the flow. I did a lot of small projects with my hands, I did A LOT of yoga and less running. I slept more. I drank less and ate less. I enjoyed my worries and let them just be. And I refused to make appointments with more than four weeks in advance. And I also photographed less. I still had a lot of ideas but my energy was being put on another "boxes".

And this will be 2012 for me: I will stick to my priorities: family, body, house and work (on this order) and the rest is OPEN, with lots of empty space! Like my beautiful clean fridge :)

Happy 2012!

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