Wednesday, March 16

Wollen life

Yesterday I did not post. Unbelievable! And you know why? I was frustrated and exhausted. I am programing a new solution to make our lives more easy at work and suddenly, I was confronted with a situation where my current programming knowledge was not enough.

Guess what? I need to develop a piece of Java code! Bah! I felt destroyed. I put my head down and went to sit on the couch to think about my doom. Java.. pffff... why should I learn Java now?! I don't want it!

But today in the morning, full of resignation and accepting my language-poverty condition, I took a "Java for Dummies" book, installed all the tools and started to do it. Just do it. And I am having tons of fun!

And this brings me to the photographic world.

Now I can produce consistent results with my photography, but I always felt (and still feel) so overwhelmed by all the new concepts. In the beginning I felt like walking against a wall. Boing! What is an hallo? What if I sharpen and increase the masking? What is a noise reduction and what are the effects? How to enhance texture? How to achieve this and that effect. I once asked a colleague at work to show me how to produce one HDR and... I had terrible results. One after the other.

But my stubbornness and my internal compass, which never fails and points me to the correct direction, are much stronger than my laziness. I don't know what is, I just move on and on.

And whatever it is, it keeps moving me still! So, I will learn Java and I will also keep learning a lot with new photography concepts ;)


The image on this post is also a Time Tunnel product. Its a symbolic image like the ones I have been having on my dreams and represents the fire hair of a great friend that is now seriously ill.

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