Sunday, December 11

Food for the soul


Even when very busy, we need find the time to do whatever feeds the soul.

A geocaching day,  together with Neutral Density filters and ending up with a wine portrait session, is everything I needed to work through the december-crisis.

It was cold,


The cache was very well hidden,


Here I used my ND filter to stop down the shutter speed and made an exposure of 20 seconds.


The cache was one of the best ones I have seen, full of nice stuff for kids. I dropped a travel bug and got another one.  I sign of luck and a big coincidence!



And we finished up with a creative picture of the "Numero Otto" from Castelvecchio. The wine is delicious and didn't resist on this last trip to the Spaarne. Stefania is a very creative woman and has put up a creative project, to show her wine around the world! Here is my contribution, although I would prefer to offer a picture from Rio... hehehe...


1 comment:

  1. Maravilhosas fotos!
    Uma colega de trabalho minha pratica geocaching e adora!!! :-D Que fofo o leaozinho :-) Quando está frio, eu confesso: tenho uma super preguica de sair de casa :-O
    Beijocas, Angie
    P.S. O veneno ainda nao chegou a Aachen, só em Berlin. Pelo menos, assim espero :-)


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